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What can We do with Freeze-Dried Pineapple Powder

Pineapple Powder Benefit Our Lives

You've added freeze-dried pineapple powder to your pantry for its many nutritional benefits, especially for human's health.

Now, how do you use this versatile powder in your everyday recipes? Here are some unique ways to incorporate it into smoothies, baking, coffee, and ice cream:


Add 1-2 teaspoons of freeze-dried pineapple powder to your favorite smoothie recipe. The powder will dissolve seamlessly, infusing the smoothie with a tropical pineapple kick. You can also create an all-pineapple smoothie with pineapple juice or coconut water, banana, plain yogurt and the pineapple powder. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Freeze Dried Fruit For Baking:

When making muffins, cakes, cookies or scones, add 1-2 teaspoons of freeze-dried pineapple powder to the dry ingredients. Mix the powder in thoroughly before adding the wet ingredients. The powder will add subtle pineapple flavor and natural sweetness without much acidity. You can also sprinkle the powder on top of yogurt parfaits or oatmeal for extra flavor.


For a morning treat, add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of freeze-dried pineapple powder to a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The powder will dissolve as you stir and create a pleasant pineapple-infused coffee flavor. Use less powder for a more subtle flavor or add creamer and sweetener as desired.

Ice Cream:

Make creamy homemade pineapple ice cream without the hassle of chopping fresh pineapple. Add 2-3 teaspoons of freeze-dried pineapple powder to each quart of your ice cream base and mix thoroughly before churning in your ice cream maker. The powder provides vibrant pineapple flavor but without the acidity. You may need to slightly reduce other sugars in the recipe.


From nutritious smoothies to delicious ice cream, freeze-dried pineapple powder is a simple way to add natural pineapple flavor and nutrition to your foods and drinks. Get creative and use this tropical powder in other recipes like yogurt, chia pudding, granola, marinades, and cocktails. Your taste buds will be transported to the tropics with just a touch of pineapple powder. Enjoy!

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